Hi all

I am currently out of the country until next week so I wont be able to
contribute a lot during this period


On 19/06/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> OK, I'll byte... :oP
> On Tue, 19 Jun 2007 09:57:02 +0100, norman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > < big snip >
> >
> > As no one seems inclined to react to my comments I will respond to
> > myself. As one of the longest users of Ubuntu in this group I am curious
> > to know why there is all this activity in wanting to produce a leaflet.
> > Is there anyone prepared to answer a few questions? If so, now is your
> > chance.
> >
> > Is there a real desire to promote the use of Ubuntu and, if so, why?
> Because it "just works".  I have witnessed people with absolutely no idea 
> about computers (including one user who "tidied up her hard disk" only to 
> find that half her programs didn't work because she'd moved stuff in "Program 
> Files") install Ubuntu without any issues, configure a Sagem Speed-Touch 800 
> USB ADSL Modem and get connected to the internet without even blinking.  I am 
> not aware of any other distros that do this.
> > Who do you expect to be interested enough to even give Ubuntu a try?
> Well, people who have seen Vista and Office 2007 are asking me about 
> alternatives, people who want continued support for their OS but don't want 
> to upgrade to Vista, people who are fed up with viruses and spam that have 
> approached me about switching, the list goes on and on ad. nauseum.
> > What is your personal motive in all this activity to produce a leaflet?
> To produce publicity for a product that I have faith in and that will 
> continue even if Canonical collapses (which I don't think will ahppen any 
> time soon) - Ubuntu works as a product and it has been instrumental in 
> helping others to save money by switching to Ubuntu from windows.
> > How, why and when did you start using Ubuntu and which operating system
> > were you using before conversion?
> Immediately before Ubuntu, I was using Gentoo.  I've also used Suse, Redhat, 
> Fedora, Slackware and Debian.  I still run Gentoo on my servers because I can 
> customise the compilation right down to the flags for the GCC compiler and it 
> runs incredibly fast!  At work (up until the end of this week) I have used 
> exclusively windows on my desktop since I started (I've got a new job with a 
> company selling F/OSS solutions that starts next month!!!)
> >
> > What makes you believe that your knowledge and experience qualifies you
> > to produce a leaflet?
> What makes you think that I lack these skills? ;o)
> > There is no compulsion, of course, for you to respond to the above and I
> > shall not feel hurt if you don't. Unless there is a good reason for me
> > to say more I am now finished with the subject. The best of luck and
> > stick with it if it makes you feel good.
> And here where I try to remain professional and fail miserably.
> I have only seen a few posts from you on this list over the last few months, 
> admittedly I haven't searched the archives, however I would be inclined to 
> count you as a less than active member of this list.  The few posts that you 
> have made have not been the most positive and I truly believe that this is 
> more to do with you trying to be a realist than trying to apply a negative 
> slant to this project. I hope that I am correct on my assumptions.
> This leaflet is a chance for the entire community to pull together and say 
> "Linux is ready for the desktop and for the home - it now works, it will 
> connect to your active directories and your windows shares, it will talk to 
> your Macs and your TiVO, it is free and it is good, there now really is such 
> a thing as a free lunch."
> Personally, I will be using this leaflet for SFD 2007 in Thanet, I don't have 
> the skills to produce the artwork or anything else, however I do have the 
> skills to "sell" ubuntu using the community generated resources that are 
> available to me and I will continue to do so.
> Kind regards,
> Matt.
> --
> ubuntu-uk@lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-uk
> https://wiki.kubuntu.org/UKTeam/

Matthew G Larsen
   > +44(0)7739 785 249


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