> Me too, I tried installing it too and the installation finishes with
> You need to configure ORCA by changing /etc/orca.conf.
> Once you're happy with that setup, you can start the
> daemon by typing /etc/init.d/orca start''.
> When I try to configure /etc/orca.conf there's nothing there!

I stand corrected - typing orca creates the file.

On first impressions (and this may just be because I don't know how to
use the software properly) Orca seems pretty poor.

For instance, when I hover the mouse over a menu, Orca doesn't
verbalise anything - It only indicates the availability of a menu
option when I click on it to activate it.

Part of my day job, exposes me to some accessibility Windows software
like ZoomText (and I forget the other one we use tbh), but it seems
much more advanced than Orca.

Does Orca work better when it's all set up nicely then, or is it
really not very good?



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