Thanks to all who responded - it looks like Alan's suggestion of gd is 
probably what I need.

rrdtool looked interesting, but the home is pretty much all xAP/xPL 
stuff, not least because the HomeVision connector was the first GPL 
application I ever released :-)

Time was (about 2002) when I logged every telemetry event in the house 
(temp changes, lights on-off, occupancy sensors, etc) for about 2 months 
into a MySQL database - trouble was, 1: I couldn't work out what to do 
with the data set, and 2:  we had kids :-) I still have a ludicrous 
amount of home automation hardware sitting on a shelf in the study 
awaiting the day when I'll get the fabled Round Tuit and set it up in a 
child-friendly way.

Too many interesting projects, not enough time.....

GD - good call, though. Seems to be what I need.


Alan Pope wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> On Fri, 2007-06-22 at 18:36 +0100, Mark Harrison wrote:
>> What I'm after is a free (in both senses) "thing" (library, probably), 
>> that can grab some data, and turn it into a pretty-looking bar graph. I 
>> don't mind particularly how it outputs the graph provided it's something 
>> that can display within Firefox, so something that could dynamically 
>> build a PNG or a Flash, or whatever really.
> gd is the library in php that can generate pretty much any graphical
> output.
> Also as previously mentioned rrdtool is often used to generate graphs.
> An example of rrdtool can be seen if you ever view cacti performance and
> other resource usage graphs. You can see an example on the front page of
> the cacti site.
> Cheers,
> Al.


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