Neil Greenwood wrote:
> The vulnerability at the moment doesn't affect any extensions from
>, since they use https to download the update to
> your browser. The problem is with some extensions developed by e.g.
> Google and Yahoo ( Other big companies also are at risk.

Isn't there also an issue - as with all browsers - about 'spyware', 
tracking cookies, and similar?  I use 'No Script', and I have FF set to 
ask before setting cookies;  but I'm not certain that this catches all 
the rubbish.

As I mentioned before, I did have a go at using Nixory - which picked up 
a couple of tracking cookies on first use;  but its spyware database 
does not appear to be getting updated any more.

Can I do anything about browser spyware?  Or am I getting worked up 
about nothing?



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