
On 10/07/07, Terence Simpson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jason Liquorish wrote:
> > After seeing a lot of posts about getting media from sites such as
> > <> working I saw this on the Nottingham LUGs
> > mailing list:
> >
> > Hi all,
> >   The BBC iPlayer - which provides access to BBC programming for up to
> >
> > 30 days after it's aired - will be released as a Windows only
> > application, including DRM facilities to restrict users rights, for at
> > least the first 2 years of the service.
> >
> > The Open Source Consortium is running a campaign against the release of
> >
> > the Windows only iPlayer product - including a formal complaint to the
> > EU on the issue.
> >
> > To show your support for this issue, please take a moment to sign this
> > petition:
> >
> >
> >
> > and show your support to the OSC by posting us a message (via the
> > Contact Us area of the website), or joining the OSC:
> >
> >
> >
> > Please feel free to forward this message to any groups or mailing lists
> > that may be interested in our campaign.
> >
> > Thanks!
> > --
> > Jason Liquorish - Bassetts
> > OpenPGP Key -
> >
> >
> Have you read the press release on this[1]?
> It seems that the BBC are not developing the iPlayer for just Windows.
>  From the press release:
> "We are committed to making it as easy as possible to use BBC iPlayer.
> Developing a version for Apple Macs and Microsoft Vista is absolutely on
> our critical path."
> Although they still seem to be totally ignoring the whole Open Source
> community and <opinion>probably have no plans to release a *NIX
> version.</opinion>
> Without even asking the BBC I can already tell their what response would be:
> "Blah blah blah... We are committed to opening our services to the
> widest range of people... Blah blah... We have to respect the rights of
> the publishers of their media... Blah blah... Currently there is no way
> of accessing DRM "protected" media on Linux... Blah... We are currently
> working on this.. Blah... Thanks for your comments.... BLAH"
> (end rant)
> [1]
> <>
> Terence
> --

Matthew G Larsen
   > +44(0)7739 785 249


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