Lee Tambiah wrote:
> Without disscussion I think the GPL 3 is a very good license which 
> protects Free Software and overall should strengthen it. 

I agree.

I agree that you, and any programmer, should have the right to choose 
the GPLv3 in new products you create. However, I also believe that 
programmers should still have the right to choose GPLv2 for products 
they create (and for that matter, the BSD licence, or for that matter 
the Microsoft EULA.)

> Why should a company be able to take code use it, but deny the users 
> to reuse it with modifications, they have brought the product so why 
> should they be restricted? 

Because the people who wrote the code are happy for them to do so, and 
licenced the code to them on that basis. Linus Torvalds has stated, 
unequivocally, that he is happy with what TiVo have done. The FSF's 
lawyers have confirmed that TiVo's use of the GPLv2 software in their 
application complies with the GPLv2.

> With this attitude TiVo is just using the kernel not actually 
> contributing in anyway at all. My 2 pennies worth...
Linus Torvalds disagrees, and has written so in public. (reference 

To be fair, he's agreed they've not contributed that much, but he has 
outlined what they have contributed.

He has also praised TiVo for the way that what they HAVE done has helped 
promote Linux and Open Source software in general, and stated that TiVo 
have done MORE than the GPL obliged them to do.



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