Chris Rowson wrote:
>> Don't know much about all this, but I came across this link.  Any
>> use/relevance?
>> Regards
>> Mac
> That's actually pretty cool!
> I'm guessing you'd have to have a pretty powerful PC to run Windows
> and Ubuntu at the same time like that though? I wonder if it'd work a
> wee bit quicker using Qemu rather than VMWare for emulation?
> Chris

Don't see why you couldn't do that on something like an Athlon 64 3000+ 
with a gig of ram, in fact XP runs quite well under VMware on my Ubuntu 
box (which is an Athlon 64 3000+ with 1GB Ram).  Considering how cheap 
dual core CPU's are getting now too, and with virtualization in the new 
CPUs it's getting even easier.



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