Popey replied, when I asked about the size of the repos, that they were
about 30 Gb for 7.0.4, so 170 Gb for all flavours seems quite reasonable.

And of course the beauty of HDDs is that they're R/W, so you store the up to
date images on a server and when the HDDs go out you just copy across the
latest image.

Keep it small and keep costs down.

  -----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Matthew Wild
  Sent: 25 July 2007 19:20
  To: British Ubuntu Talk
  Subject: Re: [ubuntu-uk] Contents of ubuntu-uk digest...

  It creates an APT repository on a CD/DVD. You are able to select which
packages you want to add to the disc. It's a great way to distribute
updates, etc. to PCs with no internet access.

  See the site here: http://aptoncd.sourceforge.net/

  I filed an issue on Launchpad, since it pops up a dialog when a duplicate
.deb was detected. Handling as many packages as I was it got very annoying
to keep clicking OK. This has apparently been fixed, but I don't think in
the version in Feisty. If you are going to use it the way I did, it might be
best to build from source.


  On 7/25/07, Andy Loughran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
    I don't know enough about this, but what does aptonCD do?

    Andy Loughran
    m: 07921076319

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "alan c" < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    To: "British Ubuntu Talk" <ubuntu-uk@lists.ubuntu.com>
    Sent: 25 July 2007 19:04:18 o'clock (GMT) Europe/London
    Subject: Re: [ubuntu-uk] Contents of ubuntu-uk digest...

    Matthew Wild wrote:
    > On 7/25/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
    >> The 'Repo on external drives' idea is superb, i often want to install
    >> things at work, which is a secure network and hence we cant have
    >> access to not secured machines, would also be better for big sites IE
    >> schools/businesses who dont want to have their proxys loaded with
    >> .debs (think WSUS). Does anybody know the kind of sizes the repos
    > About 30GB, or so I was told...
    > As
    >> to price, buying from and normal retail outlet will be expensive,
    >> must have a trade account at a cash'n'carry somewhere?
    >> Steven Pepperell
    > I know someone who lives in another country with only dial-up access
to the
    > internet. While it is of course possible for him to order a CD from
    > Ubuntu is still only supplied with a basic set of applications.
    > Instead I am sending him a CD by post, along with a custom DVD of
    > I wrote a small script to parse the Ubuntu popcon results, and select
    > top N packages that fit into a specified capacity. I then passed these
    > 'aptitude download' which will grab the debs, which can then be used
    > AptOnCD. This way I managed to build myself a DVD containing pretty
    > most of the commonly installed packages.
    > I even made a copy for myself, for when I take my laptop on the
road... it's
    > really handy :D Of course the obvious benefit of a HDD is greater
    > and you can update it whenever necessary. Still, I just wanted to
share my
    > story :)

    nice one Matthew
    The DVD idea could be continued on a basis of the most popular or
    whatever, and be available as an active choice download perhaps?
    Kubuntu user#10391




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