
On Tue, 2007-07-24 at 18:40 +0100, Ian Pascoe wrote:
> Hi-de-hi


> Popey floated an idea a little while back about putting the entire Ubuntu
> Repository onto a portable HD for use by those who don't have the ability
> to connect to the Internet or only over dial-up.

That's it. I have it on my to-do list along with a zillion other
things :)

> Just to bring to everyones attention that the apt-get series of commands
> appears to have been enhanced to do exactly this apt-get mirror for example.

apt-mirror is the command I was using, it's been around for some time,
and whilst there are a few bugs, it's pretty good at doing what I

When I brought it up there was some negative comments, so I kinda went a
bit cold on the idea. The were suggestions that it wouldn't be _that_
useful, but I'd be happy to talk about it again and iron out the issues.


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