Michael Wood wrote:
> There have been a few issues with some of the posts appearing on the 
> Ubuntu-UK planet, These haven't really been resolved as we have no 
> guidelines to uphold any complaints around. Therefore I propose that 
> there should be an code of conduct aimed at the planet.
> I have written a draft CoC [1]
> There is a meeting on the 12th of August which I am hoping we can agree 
> to implement what ever results from this proposal [2]
> Before making changes please discuss here !
> [1] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/ubuntu-uk.org/planet/CoC
> [2] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/MeetingNotes/20070812Meeting
> Michael "X3N" Wood

...OK so obviously the wording is not clear enough

"As Ubuntu community members we expect that you keep to the Ubuntu 
community code of conduct [2]"
I think most people agree with this

"Ubunutu-UK planet is not an acceptable platform for promoting 
commercial interests."
was aimed at saying "no spam please"  for example, if someone started 
using the planet as an advertising platform

"Ubuntu-UK planet is not an acceptable place for discussions on 
community conflicts/issues."
This is just a re-iteration of Ubuntu's code of conduct designed to stop 
flaming as we saw with Caroline (posts of accusation and counter 

"Please make sure that a majority of your posts to the planet have FOSS 
related content."
This does not say only FOSS related content. The whole reason all of us 
are part of ubuntu-uk is that we share a common interest, and in my mind 
the planet is just a way of taking that further

I'm a little disappointed that people feel threatened by this 
*proposal*, the only driving force behind is to respond to a problem 
that i've seen. Some reactions would have me seen as though I wanted to 
turn the planet into a suppressed militarised regime of censorship and 
general hardship for everyone.

"this is one of the problems with contributing, you have to expect to 
get burnt"



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