On Sun, 5 Aug 2007, Matthew Wild wrote:
> On 8/5/07, Chris Rowson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Sun, 5 Aug 2007, Paul Sladen wrote:
> > > sudo grep '[s]udo' /var/log/auth.log
> > Well, if you're computer still works eh ;-)
> How do you get around sudo -i or sudo bash?

The best solution is to not use "sudo su/sudo -i/sudo -s/sudo bash"...

Using 'sudo' proactively is social issue---eg. "please, please use sudo for
everyone's continued sanity".  Social issues are _not_ best solved by
technical means; if somebody really wants to exercise their power, they can
use "(recovery mode)", insert a LiveCD, or remove the hard-drive entirely.

You can do the following in '/etc/sudoers':

  %admin ALL=(ALL) ALL, !/bin/su, !/bin/bash

and I do have the above config on machines, but the line is only there as a
reminder to everyone that 'sudo' should be used one-command-at-a-time.

Life is not about getting *around* sudo, life is about using sudo to your
advantage;  even when I do end up at a root prompt, I still do a 'sudo'
before each priviliged command I run and also leave little debugging
comments like "sudo echo 'about to try to delete xyz from the passwd db'".

Why do one side of a triangle when you can do all three.   Helsinki, FI


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