Mac wrote:

 > I guess I'm right in
> thinking I should edit the line in /etc/fstab to
> //serverIP/public /media/nas cifs 
> credentials=/root/.smbcredentials,uid=1000,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777
> 0 0
>       Sadly, this doesn't solve the problem:  still when I make a test 
> directory in Nautilus and drag it from /home to /media/nas I lose write 
> permission for it - it appears with a lock symbol on it; and I get a 
> permissions error when I try to delete it.  I can, however, drag files 
> to the directory and open them. The directory appears to have 
> permissions rwx r-x r-x.
>       I'm afraid my understanding of this is at the level of painting by 
> numbers (i.e. cutting and pasting from HowTos with little conception of 
> what's going on).  So rational troubleshooting is a bit out of the 
> question!  I'll do some more searches.  But if you - or anyone - have 
> any more suggestions, I'd be grateful.
>       Is it worth asking about this on Launchpad, or is that not the right 
> place?
> Mac

Just in case anyone's interested, my searches revealed that a lot of 
people have trouble with getting permissions to work properly on cifs 
shares.  I tried various suggestions for fixes:

unmount the share and chmod the mount point 777 (no joy)
create the credentials file with nano, to ensure the file ends with a 
blank line (no joy)
use the 'noperm' options, thus:
//serverIP/public /media/nas cifs 
credentials=/root/.smbcredentials,uid=1000,iocharset=utf8,noperm 0 0

Bingo!  But what an awful solution, eh?!  As it happens, I'm the only 
person logging on to this machine, so maybe it doesn't matter.  But how 
do folk on shared systems deal with this?  (There seem to be a lot of 
cheesed off cifs users around, from what I've seen!)

Anyway, if you've been reading this thread, thanks for your attention



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