On Thu, 2007-08-16 at 01:01 +0100, Gav Ford wrote:
> On Wed, 2007-08-15 at 23:41 +0100, Colin Murphy wrote:
> > Can anyone give any advise on getting the 'Listen Live' link on
> > www.helpmechill.com to work.
> > 

> Works fine with mplayer, open a terminal and install mplayer with: 
>   sudo aptitude install mplayer
> Then play the station with:
>   mplayer mms://mediasrv-the.musicradio.com/Chill

This is top dollar stuff.  How did you work out what the url of the
actual stream is?  That's the it that had me baffled.

Must go; places to be, people to do, stuff to, err, stuff.


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