
Darren Mansell wrote:
> Yep update-manager hasnt worked for me a few times with Gutsy so I run:

Strange, that's how I upgraded from feisty to gutsy months ago, but it
is possible that it's broken at the moment (it being unreleased, all
bets are off until release day).

In what way doesn't it work? Does it simply fail to offer the upgrade at
all? Did you try with -c and -d?

> sudo sed -i s/feisty/gutsy/g /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt-get
> update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y

This will of course work, but apt isn't the smartest piece of software
in the world, so it may remove otherwise useful things to satisfy
itself. You may want to check that you have ubuntu-desktop installed

There are other differences between using apt and update-manager - for
example when Ubuntu switched from OpenOffice 1 to 2, update-manager
would remove v1, but apt wouldn't (since installing the two in parallel
was possible and in some cases useful, so the packages couldn't be made
to Conflict).

Chris Jones


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