The cube is nice, bling-wise but isn't particularly useful, and I can
see why you might want to disable wobbly windows - the expo and shift
plugins for compiz fusion are very good however, and very useful - the
first as a great way to see what you have open and move things around
from one desktop to another, and the second as a jaw-dropping
alternative to alt-tab. It's very simple to install compiz fusion on
feisty (there are good how-tos by PriceChild and Amaranth on the
ubuntu forums) and then disable the bits you don't want...


On 20/09/2007, Phil Bull <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Javad,
> On Thu, 2007-09-20 at 09:08 +0000, STONE COLD wrote:
> > How can i make my desktop look cool!
> >
> > Im running fiesty. I dont want wobbly windows and rotating cube.
> >
> > Keeping these things in mind...please pass on your ideas/comments?
> It depends on what you mean by cool! You can enable desktop effects and
> then disable wobbly windows and the rotating cube (install the
> compizconfig-settings-manager package for an easy way of
> enabling/disabling effects) if you like, or there are plenty of themes
> to choose from on if you'd rather not enable desktop
> effects at all.
> Of course, the only way of making your desktop look *really* cool is to
> use this picture as your background:
> Thanks,
> Phil
> --
> Phil Bull
> --

'In letters of gold, on a snow-white kite, I will write "I Love You!"
And send it soaring high above you, for all to read!'

RIP Billy M 1957-1997


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