Alan Pope wrote:
> Hi,
> On Thu, 2007-09-27 at 23:47 +0100, Chris Rowson wrote:
>> I notice that there are two polls running for the Loco contact post,
>> when there really should only be one.
> Apparently the interface for creating polls is not really very intuitive
> and the person who created the poll made a slight mistake with the first
> one. There is no way to delete them directly, it requires dba access to
> the launchpad database, and as such a bug has been filed in order to get
> that done (AIUI).
> Or you could just link directly to the right poll:-
> :)
> <snip>

Indeed, polls aren't user friendly at all, once one goes live you can't 
edit it in anyway.
The second poll does not have any options so it isn't possible for 
people to vote on the wrong one.



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