Hi Matt, Alan Peter and anyone else interested

Thanks for your offers of help.

I don't want to turn away offers of help, but anyone volunteering must
understand that us visually impaired lot can be, well, exceedingly trying at
times.  There is still a lot of institutalised VIP that able bodied people
can find difficult to deal with sometimes.

That being said, you must also remember that whatever information you are
going to impart, the words "just click here" is, ahem, useless!

I'd suggest that the best thing to do is to set up a Ubuntu Gnome based
installation on your laptop / desktop with accessability enabled, have the
screen turned off, or covered, and get used to navigating around using the
keyboard shortcuts.

The weiki pages at http://live.gnome.org/orca is a good place to start for
any research.

Oh, and you can't be allergic or have a phobia about dogs <smiles>.



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