Hi folks,

Got a bit of an off topic question here.  With Christmas coming up I was 
was thinking of a way of spreading the word on FLOSS and also doing a 
bit of promotion for a local media company I work for.

The idea I came up with (which I've mulled over before) is to distribute 
copies of The Open Disc (www.theopendisc.com) around schools in the 
area.  I was thinking of The Open Disc because it's free to distribute 
and because there are a whole load of Windows users out there who 
probably don't know about Open Source software and their benefits, but 
with The Open Disc they could learn about this and also try out the 
great software on the disc (plus I see there are a few plugs about Linux 
and Ubuntu/Kubuntu on the menu system too).

When I was looking into this before I figured it was rather expensive, 
even when using cheap 9p CD-R discs (when factoring in duplication of 
many thousands of discs, printing etc).  I was wondering though if 
anyone knew of a good duplication company who could take an ISO image, 
make a glass master disc and then professionally press and print a whole 
load of CDs (like what we get with the original Ubuntu discs).

I'm a bit clueless on where to start.  I had a quick look at Google but 
all I've found is CD-R duplication at about 66p per disc (I'd do it 
cheaper myself!)

Anyone got any ideas?



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