** John Paul Wallington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-10-15 23:45]:
> Paul Tansom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > option required was 'delete'. Now I know that means 'delete this
> > reference in the list of files to burn', but it was still unnerving. It
> > put me in mind of the Mac concept of dragging your floppy disk icon
> > across to the shredder to eject - I'm sorry, that still says format to
> > me, or delete all contents!
> The Mac wasn't quite that bad: you were dragging to a Wastebasket
> rather than a Shredder to eject.  Still pretty nonsensical, I suppose.
> Metaphorically one would more likely retrieve one's data by rummaging
> through the garbage for it intact rather than stitching together a
> gazillion chads.  I seem to recall that the OS/2 Workplace Shell had a
> Shredder desktop object.
** end quote [John Paul Wallington]

Ah, that would explain it then. I wasn't convinced shredder was correct,
and I was an OS/2 user for some years - in fact without OS/2 I'd never
have bought my first PC since when I first came across Windows I
considered it very out dated and of no practical use for real work (I
was used to the Amiga at the time). OS/2 gave me a usable OS for the
hardware, and given that I was working at IBM at the time, and wanting
more IT work I sort of had to get into the x86 arena. If I hadn't I
wouldn't have bought that first IBM L40 laptop, and it was an internal
IBM forum on getting Linux running on the L40 that first got me
interested in Linux - so praise be to OS/2, and I did enjoy using it,
which is something I could never say for Windows.

Paul Tansom | Aptanet Ltd. | http://www.aptanet.com/ | 023 9238 0001
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