On 17/10/2007, Lucy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 17/10/2007, Chris Rowson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > It'd be interesting for people to put their money where their mouth's
> > are, and tell us what they do for a living and what their level of
> > qualification is. It's the only real way to see if having a degree
> > makes a difference or not.

Steve - no degree (did 2 years of BSc in Comp Sci and ran out of cash).

Senior Systems Developer and Operations Analyst on IBM's MVS systems

I personally don't care if a candidate for a role I'm hiring for has a
degree or not, nor where she/he got it. I'm far more interested in their
ability to do perform in the role. I will hire you if you've got nothing
more than a handful of GCSE's over a graduate if your the right person for
the job.

When 1 person suffers from a delusion it is insanity. When many people
suffer from a delusion it is called Religion.

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