On Tuesday 23 October 2007 at 15:38:58 Alan Pope wrote:
> On Tue, 2007-10-23 at 14:36 +0100, Peter Lewis wrote:
> > I can't help thinking that if there isn't even an interest in nvidia
> > opening up their drivers / specs, then I really don't want to be buying
> > something from them.
> Indeed. I previously bought a laptop with an Nvidia chipset and a
> desktop with one too. My latest laptop however has an Intel 945 chip for
> graphics and whilst it's nowhere near as great at 3D as the NVidias, I
> feel a lot better for it.

Similar situation here with my laptop, but my desktop has the ATI card I 
mentioned. I feel like if I wait around for a while, perhaps ATI will be the 
big open company of next year...

Have the ATI specs actually been released yet? If not, any idea when?



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