On 29/10/2007, John Levin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> As we've hit 12 people expressing interest in making an UbuCon UK
> happen, I want to take the discussion of an UbuCon in the UK onward.
> The fundamentals: When? Where? Who? What?
> When? Sometime in Spring 2008, meaning March to May. Gives us time to
> organise, we'll hopefully have some bearable weather, and could coincide
> with the release of Hardy Heron at the end of April.
> Where? I'll say London, maybe because I'm a Londoner. I can think of a
> number of venues that could host us. That said, it's an expensive place.
> Other options could be any city with decent transport links and people
> on the ground - Birmingham, Manchester, Bristol, Cardiff, Edinburgh.
> There has to be a core team of people in place, who know the area and
> can donate brain and brawn, though.
> Who? You! We will need people to organise, help out on the day, run
> stalls, give talks. Plus, we need to reach out and get people to attend,
> whether they're already using Ubuntu or are curious as to what this
> linux lark is all about.
> What? The attractions. We can have stalls, films, talks from the likes
> of SABDFL, an Ubuntu-powered arcade, a laptop troubleshooting team
> fixing boxes brought in, space for spontaneous BOFs and meetings ....
> <add your idea here>
> I'd also like to invite organisations and projects that aren't strictly
> Ubuntu but related (or at least have software that runs on Ubuntu), such
> as the Open Rights Group and OpenStreetMap, to broaden the horizons.
> So: add your ideas to this thread; post them to the wiki
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/IdeasPool/UbuCon_UK
> An open meeting on irc, or similar, will be organised soonish (after the
> Boston Ubuntu Developer Summit is done).
> John

I own the frapper map. I set it up a long while back and forgot about it.

I am from Glasgow and  I think that you are all talking alot of bollocks ;)
Scotland IS part of the UK and you should stop thinking that Ubuntu-UK stops
when it hits the border.

While I would personally favor a Scottish location, I would also add my +1
to Manchester. Is anybody involved with the University there? Could we
borrow university facilitates etc?

I am sure this could be an open debate [though probably never solved!] on
IRC. I suppose this is one of the first major milestones that we need to
overcome. :D

Andrew Alexander Barber

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