Kris Douglas wrote:
> Hi, a while ago I noticed a thread going on about the iPod Classic 
> 160GB... Now I know, they're expensive and all that, so lets forget 
> all that flaming...
> I was just wondering what the support in Ubuntu was like... Are there 
> any things I need to look out for when I'm using the device on Ubuntu?
> Thanks,
> Kris Douglas
>       Softdel Limited Hosting Services
>       Web: <>
>       Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
I got myself one of the 80gb classics the other week after my poxy Zen 
crashed on me for the zillionth time. Amarok in the repos doesn't 
support the classics out of the box. You need to get and compile 
libgpod? from they're cvs, and then you might need to rebuild 
amarok..... I haven't tried it yet, wimped out on time constraints. 
Might have a go tomorrow though.

-Matt Daubney


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