On 12/11/2007, Gaurav Patel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 12/11/2007, Sean Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > That said, no programmer should have been denied the privilege to program
> > for 80x22 vt220 green screens... amazing how much wasted space there is
> > these days... we used every single inch of those screens...
> >
> > Sean
> More like every single pixel!

These young'uns today!

There was no such thing as pixels in the days of dumb terminal green
screens. They could only print characters, which is why Sean specifies
the resolution as only 80x22.

I have to say, I'd never used a real dumb terminal until a few months
ago - although I'm not sure a Sun serial console really counts as a
dumb terminal? I've only ever used emulators. I did use a teletype
machine while I was in University though (early 90's).



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