I was just looking at eeeXubuntu today on my Eee. Wifi works great but 
the sound crackles really badly and the function keys don't seem to 
work...   :(   I was trying to from a LiveCD bootable USB stick.

But rumour has it there's a 3rd release due soon (possibly even this 
very weekend)   :)

Alan Pope wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 15, 2007 at 01:16:21PM +0000, Darren Mansell wrote:
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ sudo modprobe asus_acpi
>> [sudo] password for darrenm:
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ lsmod | grep asus
>> asus_acpi               9760  0
> Note sure that really matters. I have seen plenty of modules show 0 in that 
> column.
> Do you have a /proc/acpi/asus with stuff in it?
> http://wiki.eeeuser.com/ubuntu#shutdown_poweroff_solution is what I did to 
> fix mine.
> Cheers,
> Al.

Ronnie Tucker


Skype : ronnietucker

Registered Linux User # 456627
Registered Ubuntu User # 18227


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