I am early 60 and thought I should learn something new. Being an avid "night 
schooler" I saw a course of evening class tuition in Ubuntu and enrolled.

It was a good start to my transition but by the end of the course, had more 
questions than answers. This is because I want to configure things my way and  
also use ham radio and other software, written for Windows.

The course showed me the basics which would have taken a lot of magazine 
reading to become familiar with and probably saved  endless frustration.

Learning anything new requires transition through the pain barrier to get 
there. Now a year later, I feel I have done it and come out the other side. 
Studying with the OU was just the same.
I use only Ubuntu in the radio shack and XP in the study. Mainly because my 
wife would rather use software she is familiar with, however she now uses 
Firefox and Open Office so that is a start. 
You have to want the challenge to learn anything.

Have a Good Christmas

John Davis

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