James Tait wrote:
> Farran wrote:
>> On Mon, 2007-12-24 at 17:45 +0000, Sean Miller wrote:
>>> Fairy Tale of New York would be fun...
>>> "It was Christmas Eve babe, in the drunk tank, an old man said to me
>>> won't see another one
>>>  And then he sang a song, 'The Rare old Mountain Dew', I turned my
>>> face away and dreamed about you.. bunt... u..." ;-)
>>> "And the boys of the NYPD choir were singing out their best, as the
>>> drunks just finished up their install fest"
>>> Sean
>> very good... '',
>> how about "...and dreamed ubuntu..."?
> Flows better that way. :)
> I did consider Fairy Tale of New York and would love to do it, but I
> think we're looking for something more specific to New Year, and I
> suspect it would be too long for this purpose (there's a challenge for
> you!).  Auld Lang Syne (my recording) came in at 30 seconds, FToNY would
> be a good couple of minutes. :)
> Having said all of that, I've failed to come up with anything at all.
> JT
It's Boxing day and I'm bored, so here's my attempt at an Ubuntu 
flavoured Auld Lang Syne:

Verse 1:
"Should auld programming be forgot
and replaced with something new?
Should auld programming be forgot,
and install ubuntu?"

"Install ubuntu, my dear,
install ubuntu,
we'll tak some open source software,
and install ubuntu"

Verse 2:
"And there's support, my trusty fiere!
At no more cost to you!
We'll give you help both day and night,
when you install ubuntu."

I would go on, but perhaps it's best if I stop there. Try singing that 
at the top of your lungs on New Year's eve!



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