On Wed, 2008-01-02 at 13:12 +0000, norman wrote:
> Old nuisance is here again - Happy New Year - I had a sata hdd for
> Christmas on to which I installed Win XP Pro having first disconnected
> the Ubuntu hdd. Then, with both drives connected I confirmed that the
> Ubuntu drive is hd0 and the Windows drive is hd1. At the end of menu.lst
> in Grub folder I added at the very end:-
> title Windows
> map (hd0) (hd1)
> map (hd1) (hd0)
> rootverify (hd1,hd0)
> chainloader 
> On starting to boot I pressed esc and, at the bottom of the list, there
> was Windows. I am winning I thought so, after selected Windows I pressed
> enter and saw what I had entered in menu.lst and an error message:-
> Invalid or unsupported executable format.
> I seem to have done something wrong and hope that some kind reader can
> point me in the right direction, please.
> Norman

I don't know if it helps at all, but my menu.lst is set up with this at
the end (automagically added, not manually by me, I might add):

title           Microsoft Windows XP Professional
root            (hd0,0)
chainloader     +1

I don't know if the extra lines "savedefault" or "makeactive" would get
rid of the error message, just posting this as an example of a working
grub menu item! (My dual-boot is from the same hdd, windows and then
ubuntu partitions). 

Were you following instructions from this list or an online how-to?

Good luck sorting the issue out,


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