> Oops, I forgot to say actually that you will need to enter 'w' in
> fdisk
> (whilst in the main menu) to make it write the changes to disk.

I sertainly used 'w'.

When applyed at the first time, fdisk reported something like "fixed"
or "changes applyed", I do not rememer the exact wording.
But when I found that no changes were actualy made and tried it again,
it reported back "Partitions are in right order. Nothing to correct".

By the way one change was made though.  Before it was showing an empty
sda1 partition at the begining of the partition table, the deleted one
I guess.  And after the "fix" it did not show it anymore.

What is interesting though that if I run sfdisk instead of fdisk,
sfdisk still shows that empty sda1 partitions in my table.  So, using
'f' option just stopped fdisk from seeng the empty sda1 partition
entry in the partition table.

Mistery. :-)

I certainly can use the system as it is.  At the end who cares how the
partitions are numbered, as soon as the system is happy and working.
It is more for a learning sake.  And then I'm probably perversed:
things like this puzzle me untill I find a solution.  This is why I'm
learning Linux and willing to go away from Windows.  :-)


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