On 09/02/2008, Thomas Ibbotson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> a couple of pints), anyway I mentioned slashdot.org as a website for her
> to find some anti-microsoft sentiment

No! Slashdot is great but I'm not sure it should serve as a positive
advertisement for Linux, most of the time it just seems to be
school/college kids having an argument  ;)

> Does anyone have any ideas of information we could pass on (she seemed
> to be woefully lacking in information about Linux and was eagerly
> writing everything I said down in her notebook, even though I don't know
> that much myself)?

It might be worth educating her about free software too. I noticed
that in the recent BBC interview with Bill Gates[1] he deliberately
bastardised the term to mean software-with-no-cost and in doing so
ended up quietly insulting Linux and the whole free software movement.

For other 'alternative' views of MS Windows, see [2] and [3].

Have you given your friend an Ubuntu live cd yet? Might be worth doing
some research first if possible to make sure it will work
out-of-the-box with her machine, but there's nothing like actually
trying something out to get a real understanding of it.

Finally, have you mentioned the eeePC to her? It sounds like it's
going to be the year of the UMPC and linux along with it ;)

[1] http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/7174333.stm
[2] http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/6319845.stm
[3] http://badvista.fsf.org/freesoftwarefreesociety/free-software-free-society/


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