Chris Rowson wrote:
>>>> Hi people
>>>> l do hope that this hasn't been asked too many times before..
>>>> l have 2 hard drives in my machine, 1 with windows 2k and the other with
>>>> Ubuntu on it. l've tried having them both connected to the same ribbon
>>>> and rebooting with either of the 2 hard drives powered. Sadly it doesn't
>>>> seem to work so l wonder whether there's a solution..Both drives are set
>>>> as masters.. l don't want to have both OSs on the same hard drive
>>>> Please could someone offer a solution
> I'm assuming you've got a boot loader (Windows - NT loader I think? -
> or GRUB for Linux) installed on one of the hard drives. You'll need
> this on the bootable drive so that your PC knows where the operating
> system resides.
> Chris
Many thanks for the info Guys..

l did try setting both to masters, installing a switch on the -ve rail 
of the 2 molexes. Sadly it didn't work :(



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