On Tue, 25 Mar 2008 15:44:48 +0000
Josh Blacker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> As you may or may not be aware, XP will no longer be sold quite soon -
> you won't be able to buy an XP computer after June, and retail copies
> won't be sold after next January [1], meaning Vista is the 'only'
> choice for new computers.
> This is, I think, something we should try and capitalise on, since
> there has been something of a reaction to Vista that's not quite a
> backlash but certainly apprehension, with negative perceptions in the
> public eye.
> I can think of a few suggestions first of all:
> - web banners, along the lines of Philip Newborough's excellent
> existing ones [2], but with captions like 'Who'd choose Vista? You
> don't have to. [Ubuntu logo, linking to www.ubuntu.com]'. (Not the
> best copy ever, but it makes the point.)
> - Local newspaper articles. I remember discussion last year on the
> list about articles, and I think this would be an apt (hah! ahem.)
> time to think about this again. 
> - Writing to relevant MPs, councillors, and so on - people who are in
> a position to influence decision making where public sector corporate
> IT infrastructure is involved, who will at some point have to
> 'replace' those XP boxes, explaining to them the benefits (not least
> that they wouldn't actually have to change their hardware to migrate
> to Ubuntu!).
> The danger I see here is that we could stray into FUD territory, which
> would be slightly ironic and not at all helpful.
> Anyway, I just thought I'd put this out there for the list to think
> about. Any feedback/suggestions/discussion would of course be
> appreciated.
> All the best,
> Josh
> [1]
> http://www.computerworld.com/action/article.do?command=viewArticleBasic&articleId=9070119&pageNumber=1
> [2] http://crunchbang.org/archives/2008/01/25/random-ubuntu-advocacy/ 

This type of stuff really gets on my tits, no offence Josh :)  But stop
fricking MS bashing, if you don't want to use MS products don't, but
there are people out there that do so let em.....



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