On Tue, 2008-03-25 at 20:00 +0000, Mac wrote:
> > On Tue, Mar 25, 2008 at 5:04 PM, Craig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>        Obviously this is still in early stages, I was just wondering if
> >> this
> >> is something that anyone would possibly be interested in doing so I
> >> could negotiate further. Otherwise, any ideas on ways to persuade a
> >> school to switch to ubuntu?
> James Grabham wrote:
> >> Its got nothing to do with the school, it will be up to the LEA
> >> unfortunately.
> James >>> I don't think that's right:  schools make their own decisions 
> these days.  And there's actually no such thing as Local Education 
> Authorities any more (those ceased to exist as legal entities a couple 
> of years ago).  So Craig may have some success just in his own school. 
> Let's hope so!
> Craig >>> Welcome!  I think your wish to do something for software 
> freedom for your school and its students is admirable.  It'll take some 
> hard work;  and you'll need to be prepared to persevere despite set 
> backs and lack of interest.  You're going to have to persuade your head 
> of IT, who'll need to sell the idea of a switch to free software to the 
> head teacher and senior management team.
That could be interesting. Although I am actually not too sure who the
head of ICT is, if it's who I think it is I think she is pretty adamant
I am some malicious hacker intent on messing up the school network with
viruses. Then again, she might have got over it, and she probably isn't
head of IT.

>  You might start by getting 
> your mates interested in Ubuntu, and doing things with their own 
> computers that you can all show off to your IT teachers.
I can assure you I have done those - I even managed to get my Mac friend
to give ubuntu a go. I was absolutely amazed when he came in the next
day, reluctantly admitting that ubuntu wasn't all that bad! I have two
others as well, one in the process of getting a new laptop, leaving the
old one free for ubuntu, the other still 'negotiating' with his Dad.

> And you might 
> then try letting your teachers know that BECTA recommends schools to 
> consider free software seriously:
> http://www.computerworlduk.com/community/blogs/index.cfm?RSS&entryid=616
> and
> http://publications.becta.org.uk/display.cfm?resID=35275&page=1835
> (especially paragraphs 6:15 and 6:17)
> Very best wishes for the success of your efforts.  But remember the main 
> thing first of all is for you to have fun getting really good at using 
> Ubuntu!
> Mac

Thanks for the help and advice!



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