Stephen O'Neill wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Wulfy wrote:
> | Try pressing <AltGR>; e which should give é.  If it does, the other
> | accents are on the punctuation keys around the right end of the keyboard.
> This does not work for me and hasn't in the 4 years or so that I've been
> using Linux (Fedora and Ubuntu).
> AltGr+e gives e
> Ctrl+Alt+e gives e

Try AltGr+; then e...  just using AltGr+e gives me "e", too...
> This is true for Open Office. It is also true for Text Editor and
> Thunderbird except that Ctrl+Alt produces no text output.

It works in OO.o Writer for me...
> Seeing as we're on this topic I'd be grateful for any suggestions as
> it's a problem that's bugged me for years but never managed to track down.
> My keyboard layout is Generic 105-key (Intl) PC according to
> System->Preferences->Keyboard.
Hmmm...  one wrinkle is I'm using Kubuntu rather than Ubuntu... I 
thought, perhaps, it's a difference at that level but I just tried it in 
console (<Ctrl><Alt><f1>) and it works there, too.

> I have just tried Tony's "Compose key" approach which does actually work
> for me (thank you Tony!). It would be nice to get AltGr working for the
> more common accents but "Compose" is clearly more robust.
I don't know why it's not working for you.  I found this almost by 
accident as I was looking to find a way to type accented characters and 
specials like "æ", "ð" and "þ"...



Wulf Credo:
Respect the elders. Teach the young. Co-operate with the pack.
Play when you can. Hunt when you must. Rest in between.
Share your affections. Voice your opinion. Leave your Mark.
Copyright July 17, 1988 by Del Goetz


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