On Fri, 2008-03-21 at 20:22 +0000, Dave Walker wrote:
> Hi all,
> It's that time of year again, to talk about release parties.
> Hardy Heron (8.04) has now reached 'Beta' phase, and with stable
> announcement being planned for April 24th we need to organise the
> festive celebration.
> Ubuntu-UK had a very successful Gutsy Gibbon (7.10) party[1].  This was
> held in the Pembury Tavern, Hackney[2].  This was quite a good location,
> Linux friendly and free wifi.
> I expect some disagreement on the location, and therefore suggest
> multiple parties - one up north, and one in the south.  I travelled
> around 4 hours to attend the London one, and consider that as far as I
> can reasonably travel without a /planned/ overnight stay.
> I will buy drinks for anyone who travels over two hours to attend the
> celebration. :)
> Kind Regards,
> Dave Walker
> [1] http://daviey.mooo.com/ubuntu-uk/ubuntu-uk-release-party.html
> [2] http://www.individualpubs.co.uk/pembury/

Well, as the time fast approacheth, I'm going to throw my hat in the
ring and say, come the 24th, I shall be sat in the Pembury with a pint.
Any other Londoners willing to join?

All the best,
Josh Blacker


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