LeeGroups wrote:
> However, I've deleted 20GB of stuff off it, but a df -h still says the 
> drive is full.

Most likely this is user error. Have you created symbolic links to 
another filesystem, and then deleted files from those?

For instance, I have two RAID1 pairs and a temp filesystem:

/dev/md0 = /
/dev/md1 = /home2
/dev/hdd3 = /tmp

However I have created symbolic links such that:

/home2/fileshare/temp -> /tmp/fileshare

If /dev/md1 becomes full, I might make the mistake of deleting files 
from /home2/fileshare/temp and then wonder why md1 is still full.

You can discover symbolic links with the command

find . -type l

...where "l" is the lower-case letter "el", not the digit one. You could 
then pipe this to ls -l which would give you the destination of each:

find . -type l | xargs -n 1 ls -l

...where "-n 1" is the digit one and "ls -l" is the letter "el".

Andrew Oakley


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