On Monday 21 April 2008 18:20:01 Sean Miller wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 21, 2008 at 6:13 PM, Michael Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Choice is all well and good, but can we not agree to all go to the
> > Canonical party ? at De Hems
> >
> > Would be a shame to miss someone if they're at the other party.
> I won't be able to make it, trapped down here in darkest Somerset, but will
> be thinking of you ;-)
> De Hems is a great pub!  Bet you'll all have a fantastic time - have some
> of that white beer with the lemon in it for me ;-)

Can't we find a pub around here to go to instead?!

Registered Linux User #466407 http://counter.li.org


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