Alan Pope wrote:
> On Mon, 2008-04-21 at 09:29 +0100, Kat Kinnie wrote:
>> Stick it in your diary and feel free to bring along friends and family 
>> too, the more the merrier. You can see it on the wiki page for Ubuntu 
>> release parties
> Show of hands... Who's going to this?
> o/
> Cheers,
> Al.
Unfortunately I can't be there as I am working on an experiment at RAL 
(the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory) and will be preparing to accelerate 
electrons to energies >1GeV using a LWFA (Laser Wakefield Accelerator)*. 
However, at the moment I am still at the stage of writing code to 
interface with our instruments, so if anyone wants to have a #ubuntu-uk 
IRC release party, I can be there!

*I know most of you probably don't care about the details, but I think 
it's pretty cool, so maybe someone else will too...


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