the music is in high quality mp3 format!
yes yu hit the nail on the head..i want to put my music on my phone..and it
doesnt take ogg files which is a shame!!!

On 29/04/2008, Ciaran Mooney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You have to consider the source of your music too. Converting from a
> low-quality 35k MP3 to a high-quality AAC file will not increase the
> quality of the music. The converter cannot "create" the missing 1s and
> 0s that have been removed when the MP3 was created.
> If your using a linux based system, and your converting your music
> from CD. The best format to use would be OGG, as its supported by all
> linux audio applications natively. Although I can understand if you
> own a portable audio player that doesn't handle OGG and your
> restricted to AAC.
> CiarĂ¡n
> --

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