I had the same error message today after upgrading.
        To solve it, from within OpenOffice Writer (Possibly the others
        as well), I went to Tools -> Options -> Java
        After a few seconds, a screen with Sun Microsystems Inc.1.6.0_06
        Sun Microsystems Inc 1.6.0 with accessibility comes up.
        I ticked the box for version 1.6.0_06, restarted OpenOffice
        Writer and the error message went away.
        Hope that helps

On Tue, 2008-04-29 at 21:35 +0100, Dianne Reuby wrote:
> Updated to Hardy yesterday. I'm getting JRE errors in Open Office, 
> "OpenOffice.org requires a Java runtime enviornment (JRE) to perform the
> task. The selected JRE is defective. Please select another version" 
> I already have openoffice.org-java-common installed, version 1:2.4 in
> usr/lib/openoffice (which is the solution given in the forums).
> OO options shows Sun Java 1.6.0_06 , in usr/lib/jvm
> So which should I be using? I remember when I first switched to Ubuntu,
> I was using Dapper, and had to uninstall the Ubuntu JRE and install the
> Sun JRE. Do I need to do this again?
> One day I'll understand it all ....
> Dianne


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