Javad Ayaz wrote:
[in the context of creating a dedicated torrent machine from an NSLU2]
> so i can install this "debian" via a ubuntu pc?


> obv il be using the screen for my buntu pc to install this...or am i 
> doing it blindly?

Correct, using the screen on your Ubuntu/Kubuntu PC.

You'll be using the terminal. Learn how to use the terminal on your own 
Ubuntu PC first, then you'll be able to connect to other machines and 
use the terminal to control other machines such as the NSLU2. Go to the 
Applications menu - Accessories - Terminal and have a look at these 

For example, I rent a server in Texas, whilst I live in Gloucestershire. 
Obviously I can't see the screen in Texas from here, so I use the 
terminal and the ssh command to control that server from Gloucestershire.

> The NSLU2  dont really have much mem on board do they so i need a very 
> small OS right?

Correct. Also the NSLU2 uses a completely different type of processor, 
and has no hard drive - it uses USB sticks, external USB hard drives or 
memory cards instead.

Thankfully, lots of people have already taken the trouble to create a 
version of the Debian operating system, stripped down and ready to use 
on the NSLU2. Debian is very similar to Ubuntu (Ubuntu is based on 
Debian) so right now, you should learn how to use the terminal in Ubuntu 
before worrying about all that.

Andrew Oakley


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