Hi, I've been running Hardy Heron for a couple of weeks now and am fairly 
happy with it (apart from PulseAudio, which I am choosing to ignore) but I 
have just noticed something odd.

When I try to run a command with sudo (e.g. sudo apt-get-upate) I am asked 
for my password.  I enter the password, and the command runs with the 
appropriate sudo'd privileges.  On closer inspection, though, it looks 
like I get a error (literally, 'Error!') right after I enter the password.

I assume authentication works ok as the commend still runs just fine. What 
could the error be?

I am also getting a dialog box - empty apart from the word 'Error' - when 
I log in via GDM.  Again, the login works fine so I can;t see what the 
error dialog relates to.

The only thing I can think of is that I installed Likewise to join a 
Windows domain.  Could the system be trying to authenticate against that 
as well?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Stuart Houghton
Technical Support Officer

Amnesty International UK
The Human Rights Action Centre
London EC2A 3EA




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