> sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop
> sudo X -configure
> sudo mv <location given for your new xorg> /etc/X11/xorg.conf
> Haven't tried it yet, but will when I get home to my laptop. Would 
> appreciate it if you could let me know if this fixes it!
> -- 
> Andrew Oakley

Andrew: Thanks for the suggestion.

Well after running that, it completely messed up my xorg.conf, and
reverted my display to (something low?) to the point that the KDE system
settings wasn't even able to configure the video card... However; IT DID
indeed fix the keyboard problem. Using diffs and trial and error i have
isolated the cause:  Xkblayout: "uk". After commenting that out (in my
original xorg.conf), it works. Only problem is now i have an american
keyboard! Will try and figure out a proper solution, and submit a bug or

Section "InputDevice"
... (blah blah)
#       Option          "XkbLayout"     "uk"



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