< snip >

> > 8> mkisofs will NOT make DVD Video ISO filesystems correctly in Hardy. 
> > If you have a dig around, you'll find that mkisofs has been replaced by 
> > genisoimage in Hardy, and the cdrkit libraries are at fault. A later 
> > version of the cdrkit libraries is supposed to fix the problem, but I 
> > haven't been able to verify this yet as the cdrkit sources failed to 
> > compile on my Hardy box.

< snip ?
> > 
> > I wondered if anyone else had experienced this, and any solutions had 
> > been found which didn't require non-free software (someone suggested 
> > nero linux)

> Have you though about using a tool such as devede.  It is excellent at
> creating basic dvd structure with menus.  If you become a good user I
> understand it is possible to do all sorts with it. 
>From time to time I have used Devede quite successfully. It is slow but



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