Stephen O'Neill wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Wulfy wrote:
>>> I removed my .mozilla directory in /home/wulfy.  Nothing in /etc, 
>>> /usr/bin, /usr/lib or /usr/share.
>>> I reinstall Firefox... I click on Tools/add-ons..  and there is a list 
>>> of all the add-ons I used to have waiting to be "uninstalled when I 
>>> restart Firefox"...
> It looks like extensions in my setup go into the .mozilla directory.
>> Does anyone have any idea what is happening?  Am I alone in having 
>> problems like this?
> Sorry Wulfy, never had issues like these - I have FF2 and FF3 side by
> side. I can't see anything 'crazy' in what you're doing though if that
> helps.
> Stephen O'Neill
Thanks, Stephen.  I upgraded to FF3 when it came out of beta.  It was 
working fine.  Then I had to change the motherboard and reinstall, which 
fixed my sound problem but screwed up FF... <sigh>

It does seem to work intermittently now.  I just never know when it's 
going to crash.  :@(



Wulf Credo:
Respect the elders. Teach the young. Co-operate with the pack.
Play when you can. Hunt when you must. Rest in between.
Share your affections. Voice your opinion. Leave your Mark.
Copyright July 17, 1988 by Del Goetz


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