Jai Harrison wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 5, 2008 at 7:21 PM, Rob Stent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> In the last couple of days the BBC iPlayer website has been revamped,
>> including the availability of most radio programmes in flash format, the
>> same as the TV shows.
>> I'm sure I'm not alone in having had various problems in getting the
>> BBC's Real Audio and Windows Media radio programmes to play in Ubuntu,
>> so I thought it might be useful to draw attention to this development.
>> Currently listening to Colin Murray in said format
> I noticed this but it's only really ideal if we can launch a station
> (e.g. Radio 2) from a launcher and play it in a media player on our
> desktop. Everything else I listen to in Rythmbox (as controlled by a
> Cairo Dock applet). If listening to the BBC Radio Stations could be
> integrated to this then I would tune into Radio 2.
> As it stands I don't think it can easily be done which means BBC Radio
> 2 don't have me as a listener. I think similar applies to a lot of
> FOSS users.

I have added Radio 1 and 2 to Rhythmbox quite easily. The address for 
the Radio 2 feed is mms://wmlive-acl.bbc.co.uk/wms/radio2/ just add that 
as a radio station and it should play fine.

Jason Liquorish


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