On Sun, 2008-08-03 at 18:12 +0100, Louisa Parry wrote:
> I once read[0] the definition as being that a geek's skills are more
> saleable (so more valuable in our current society) than a nerd's... 
> *snip*

Apologies for my 'Geeks and nerds' message been sent twice - Evolution
gets a bit carried away sometimes.  Anyone know why?

It usually happens a few hours after I've sent the original message
(it's definitely reached its destination, not floating around in my
Outbox) then hit F9 (Send/Receive) - it resends the last message I

It doesn't happen every time I send a message/hit F9 but happens every
few days or so - more enough to be annoying especially when it's to
mailing lists or work-related stuff but not the end of the world.

Any ideas though?  Evo getting out of sync with our mail server maybe?

-louisa :)


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