On Thu, 2008-09-04 at 09:00 +0100, Sean Miller wrote:
> It actually annoys me when people misrepresent the situation so -
> installing from a terminal only happens in exceptional circumstances
> these days.
> The BBC seem to like doing this - if you recall on Click a few months
> ago they had a piece on Ubuntu where they had a black screen with
> scrolling text during boot-up, that ain't what my Ubuntu does (well,
> not unless I ask it to and Windows is just the same in that regard!)
> Sean

This article also does similar misrepresentation. Paragraph 5 of the
'Text based' section.

"It's probably worth mentioning one other important point about Linux
here. It's a text-based operating system, which means that a fair few of
the things you may want to tell your computer to do - installing certain
new software, for example - requires you to open up a "terminal window"
and actually type text into the little window."

This paragraph is incorrect and really does get my back up.



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