2008/9/11 London School of Puppetry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I have a Japanese friend staying. I have been trying to sort out my laptop
> for her to se in her own language- we can get Japanese Kano, but the letters
> are in the wrong places- can anyone help?
Hi Caroline,

As you probably realise, you should be able to view Japanese characters
(both Kana and Kanji) within Firefox by default. Ditto Unicode-aware
applications such as the vim and gedit text editors.

However, to be able to properly work with and edit those characters you'll
need (I presume) to install full Japanese language support (System >
Administration > Language Support) and then enable/configure the SCIM Input
Method utility (System > Preferences > SCIM Input Method Setup).

I say "I presume" because I haven't done any Japanese text processing on
Ubuntu or GNOME, but I'm pretty sure these are the steps you'll need to
take. Perhaps others here could confirm?

Good luck!


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