On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 10:51 AM, Chris Coulson
> Those 404 errors look quite normal for packages that are being updated
> multiple times in rapid succession. What has happened is that your package
> lists were updated, indicating new versions of some packages were available.
> Some of these packages have then since been updated again since your package
> lists were updated, rendering your package lists out of date and causing the
> 404 errors that you see (because the versions of the packages you are trying
> to upgrade to have been superseded).

Ah, okay... so my problem was ignoring the updates for a few days
then?  Must admit that I have been busy and my internet connection is
not that quick so I've tended to update every few days rather than
every day!

Thanks for clearing that up - is there an argument that the update
process should be more clever than that, as I'd guess it'd put off
"newbies"... ?



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